Anime & manga
Kaze to Ki no Uta
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Autres titres |
風と木の詩 (japonais) Poem of Wind and Trees (anglais) |
Format | Manga |
Studio | Shogakukan |
Période | 1976 |
Volumes | 17 |
Interêt global | |
Staff | Auteur : Keiko Takemiya |
Recherches sur le net
kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees
Voilà: kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees
Bing: kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees
Wikipédia: kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees
Voilà: kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees
Bing: kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees
Wikipédia: kaze to ki no uta • poem of wind and trees